View out the Commander’s window provided by the L&A (Landing and Ascent facility) early in a simulated descent. Apollo 16 / February 16, 1972
<em>Monthly</em> janvier, 2017
Wow..what a response! Thank you to everyone who entered, my mind is blown with all that I learned and am happy to see I’m not the only star gazer out there congratulations to @spencerferro you were chosen via random number generator and thank you again everyone this was a really fun series for me
The dream team – ready for lift off! Hahaha best people tho for real….
When @NASA and other agencies test new technologies and operational concepts in remote & extreme environments that mimic the Moon or Mars, it’s called analog testing. We think we found another prime testing location in the Atacama Desert. In fact, the name of this valley translates to \ »Valley of Mars\ ». The white marks are not
Managed to catch an International Space Station pass tonight. It always makes me feel very small in a very large universe.
The Doctor is entertained by the primitive controls within the Columbus lab in the International Space Station.
A shot of the
@universe.trip –