Today’s mantra: Sharing Huffington Post’s tweet—Trump’s wall will likely cost billions. We asked you what else the U.S. could buy with that money, and this is what you said:
<em>Monthly</em> janvier, 2017
Future perfect, planet earth with sustainable ecologically sound growth and deep space travel for anyone who wants to explore, oh and still plenty of rural roads and room for driving your classic and vintage cars 😉 ha ha ha 😉
International Space Station made out of Lego. At The Brickman expo. I’d like this hanging off my ceiling. Love the astronaut on the space walk.
ASTROBIOLOGY INVESTIGATION – Old personal artwork inspired by the photographs of rocks taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover that may confirm that life as we know it once existed on Mars….here rapresented by and old giant creature fossil.
Le premier modèle de vol de la plate-forme SmallGEO atteint son orbite La nouvelle petite plate-forme de télécommunication de l’ESA a décollé pour sa mission inaugurale aux premières heures de la matinée.
Passage visible de l’iss et de @thom_astro a 19h24 si la meteo le permet
If you are in Tokyo (or within about 200km) to look up tonight at 6:04pm to see the International Space Station fly over. Beautiful clear skies and it will be bright tonight so enjoy! Will appear as a very bright star moving from the South West at 6:04, overhead and then to the North East
Live look from the Space Station. Check it out on
wish I was on a distant planet although I’m already floating in space