Elon Musk publie une compilation des atterrissages ratés de la fusée SpaceX Falcon 9 Faire atterrir une fusée n’a rien de simple. C’est pour cette raison que la prouesse n’a été réalisée que tout récemment, par SpaceX. Mais pour en arriver là, il aura fallu de nombreux atterrissages ratés. Des échecs que Elon Musk a
<em>Monthly</em> septembre, 2017
Breathing Easy with the Earth and Space Air Prize Competition Breathing Easy with the Earth and Space Air Prize Competition
Surprise : la croûte de Mars pourrait être poreuse ! Une nouvelle analyse du champ de gravité de Mars semble montrer que la croûte de cette planète serait moins dense que ce que l’on pensait. Ne serait-elle pas poreuse ?
[Livre] « Le côté obscur de l’univers » Comment les galaxies se sont-elles formées ? Où se cache la matière noire ? Quelle est la nature de l’énergie sombre ? Les mystères de l’Univers ne cessent de questionner l’humanité. L’astrophysique lève le voile sur beaucoup d’entre eux, mais de nombreuses questions demeurent.
Two Stars, Three Dimensions, and Oodles of Energy For decades, astronomers have known about irregular outbursts from the double star system V745 Sco. When the system erupted on February 6, 2014, however, scientists were ready to observe the event with a suite of telescopes including NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Long Way From Home This picture of a crescent-shaped Earth and Moon – the first of its kind ever taken by a spacecraft – was recorded Sept. 18, 1977, by NASA’s Voyager 1 when it was 7.25 million miles (11.66 million kilometers) from Earth. The moon is at the top of the picture and beyond
ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/11/2017 Lung Tissue Operations and Removal: On Saturday, the crew took samples and fixed media in the Tissue Bags, before inserting them in to a Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). After completing the experiment, the crew disassembled the Lung Tissue hardware in the Microgravity Science Glovebox
ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/13/2017 52 Soyuz (52S) Dock: 52S launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome this evening, and docked to the ISS bringing Misurkin, Acaba, and Vande Hei to the ISS. Docking to the Mini Research Module-2 (MRM-2) module was completed at 09:55 PM CDT with hatch opening at 12:08 AM CDT. The arrival
ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/14/2017 iPad Operating System (iOS) Upgrade: Today the crew connected the iPad Air 2 to an Space Station Computer (SSC), allowing ground controllers to update the operating system. Dragon Departure Preparations: Today the crew completed a computer based training session to review the Dragon departure documentation and a Robotic Onboard
ISS Daily Summary Report – 9/15/2017 Node 1 Communication: Ground teams utilized the video conferencing system to patch Space to Ground channel 2 (S/G2) to an SSC in Node 1, and asked the crew to confirm that S/G2 voice was audible in Node 1. Two separate configurations were tested, and both were confirmed to be