[Conférence] « Dernières nouvelles des trous noirs » le 24/10 à Toulouse ! Jean-Pierre Luminet, directeur de recherches au CNRS (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille & Observatoire de Paris), membre de l’AAE (Air & Space Academy), fera le point sur les dernières découvertes relatives aux trous noirs.
<em>Monthly</em> octobre, 2017
ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/16/2017 68 Progress (68P) docking: Saturday morning, 68P launched from Baikonur after a two day delay. This morning, 68P docked successfully to DC1 nadir, bringing supplies to the ISS. JAXA Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) #13 Installation: Following the docking of 68P, a crewmember stowed two canister bags containing protein samples
Infographie : Vega, fiche signalétique
[Evénement] 30e Congrès mondial des astronautes à Toulouse jusqu’au 20/10 Du 16 au 20/10/17, Toulouse accueille 100 astronautes venus du monde entier, à la Cité de l’espace.
BALISES, SATELLITES ET SUIVI D’ANIMAUX Les documentaires de cette page permettent de découvrir les satellites, les balises Argos et le suivi des animaux avec Argonimaux !
When (Neutron) Stars Collide This illustration shows the hot, dense, expanding cloud of debris stripped from neutron stars just before they collided.
[Rendez-vous] L’énergie au coeur du Festival des Sciences de Noirmoutier L’association Les Sciences et Nous organise le Festival des Sciences de Noirmoutier sur le thème de l’énergie, du 18 au 24/10/17.
Chandra Makes First Detection of X-Rays from a Gravitational Wave Source Astronomers have used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to make the first X-ray detection of a gravitational wave source. Chandra was one of multiple observatories to detect the aftermath of this gravitational wave event, the first to produce an electromagnetic signal of any type.
ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/13/2017 Advanced Nano Step Troubleshooting: Today the crew successfully completed troubleshooting operations by retrieving the Advanced Nano Step cartridge from the Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF) to access and adjust the position of the cell stage, due to movement issues during the sample observation. JAXA’s Advanced Nano Step experiment investigates
NASA Missions Catch First Light from a Gravitational-Wave Event For the first time, NASA scientists have detected light tied to a gravitational-wave event, thanks to two merging neutron stars in the galaxy NGC 4993, located about 130 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Hydra.