New NASA Space Sensors to Address Key Earth Science Questions Why is the Arctic warming faster than the rest of the planet? Does mineral dust warm or cool the atmosphere? NASA has selected two new, creative research proposals to develop small, space-based instruments that will tackle these fundamental questions about our home planet and its
<em>Monthly</em> février, 2018
NASA Updates Russian Space Station Cargo Ship Launch, Docking Coverage Loaded with three tons of food, fuel and supplies, a Russian Progress cargo spacecraft is scheduled to launch at 3:13 a.m. EST (2:13 p.m. Baikonur time) Tuesday, Feb. 13, to resupply the International Space Station.
La NASA teste des ailes pliables pour ses vols supersoniques Les avions capables de modifier l’angle de leurs ailes en vol ont la possibilité d’évoluer bien plus vite dans les airs. La NASA conduit actuellement une série de tests sur des ailes pliables à volonté, et les avantages en terme d’aérodynamique sont nets. Ce genre
The State of NASA Acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot discusses the fiscal year 2019 budget proposal during a State of NASA address Monday, Feb. 12, 2018.
Espace : Thomas Pesquet reprend l’air Huit mois après son retour sur terre, Thomas Pesquet s’est offert quelques secondes en apesanteur. Il se prépare à devenir le pilote d’un Airbus unique en Europe, pour les scientifiques et quelques privilégiés.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of Jan. 29, 2018 Last week, the crew living and working aboard the International Space Station had a busy week of science and spacewalk preparations, as well as an early Friday morning spacewalk for Russian crew members.
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of Feb 5, 2018 This week, the crew members aboard the International Space Station celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Columbus laboratory as they conducted research in the fields of plant biology, materials science, and biotechnology, achieving a record of more than 100 hours of research.
20 Years Ago: Station Partners Sign Intergovernmental Agreement The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest and most complex international science and engineering project in history, taking advantage of the technical expertise of the participating countries.
NASA Acting Administrator Statement on Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Proposal Statement from acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot on the Fiscal Year 2019 agency budget proposal.
Eroded Layers in Shalbatana Valles Layers, probably sedimentary in origin, have undergone extensive erosion in this image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) of Shalbatana Valles, a prominent channel that cuts through Xanthe Terra.