Researchers Catch Supermassive Black Hole Burping Astronomers have caught a supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy snacking on gas and then “burping” – not once, but twice.
<em>Monthly</em> février, 2018
Multi-planet System Found Through Crowdsourcing A system of at least five exoplanets has been discovered by citizen scientists through a project called Exoplanet Explorers.
All the Glittering Stars A new analysis of about 10,000 normal Sun-like stars in the Milky Way’s galactic bulge reveals that our galaxy’s hub is a dynamic environment.
Prepping the Parker Solar Probe for Space At NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the Parker Solar Probe is lowered into the 40-foot-tall thermal vacuum chamber. The thermal vacuum chamber simulates the harsh conditions that the spacecraft will experience on its journey through space, including near-vacuum conditions and severe hot and cold temperatures.
New Mexico Students to Speak with NASA Astronaut on Space Station Students from six schools in Alamogordo, New Mexico, will speak with a NASA astronaut living, working and doing research aboard the International Space Station at 11 a.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Observations From -369.7 Degrees Fahrenheit Taken from inside Chamber A at the Johnson Space Center in September 2017, this image shows the James Webb Space Telescope as it was undergoing cryogenic testing and the temperature was approximately -369.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
Failure is an Option: How an Inoperative CubeSat Still Holds STEM Lessons In December 2015, Gabe MacPhail, a seventh grader at St. Thomas More Cathedral School in Arlington, Virginia, travelled to Florida along with 100 other members of the school’s community to watch as the fourth Orbital-ATK Cygnus Commercial Resupply Service lifted into orbit atop
A View of the Winter Olympics From Above Since the Winter Olympics were first held in 1924, they only have been hosted twice in Asia, both times in Japan. This year the games will find a new home in South Korea, in the northeastern cities of Pyeongchang and Gangneung, visible in this natural-color image acquired

L’échec du lancement du satellite espion Zuma ne change pas les relations entre SpaceX et l’Air Force
L’échec du lancement du satellite espion Zuma ne change pas les relations entre SpaceX et l’Air Force Zuma, un satellite espion secret, n’est pas parvenu à atteindre son orbite après un lancement depuis Cap Canaveral il y a quelques jours. SpaceX affirmait depuis l’incident que sa fusée Falcon 9 avait parfaitement fonctionné, ce qui semble
Allemagne : une boîte de nuit en apesanteur expérimentée en février La soirée se déroulera dans un avion A310 utilisé par les spationautes européens pour s’habituer à l’apesanteur.