NASA TV to Air US Spacewalk at the International Space Station Two astronauts will venture outside the International Space Station Thursday, Feb. 15, to move components for the station’s robotic system into long-term storage. Live coverage of the spacewalk will begin at 5:30 a.m. EST on NASA Television and the agency’s website.
<em>Author</em> Conquest Space News
Splitting Slope Streaks This image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows streaks forming on slopes when dust cascades downhill.
L’Homme n’y vit même pas (encore) mais il y a déjà 180 tonnes de déchets sur la Lune Il ne fait aucun doute que l’humanité aura un jour besoin d’aller s’installer ailleurs que sur Terre. La première étape de notre colonisation intergalactique passera très probablement par la Lune. Le seul problème ? Nous n’y avons
Le lancement de la fusée Falcon Heavy, un remarquable coup de com’ Du David Bowie, des ingénieurs cools, une Tesla dans l’espace… Pour le lancement de sa fusée Falcon Heavy, Space X a misé sur un gros dispositif de communication.
U.S. Cargo Spacecraft Set for Departure from International Space Station After delivering more than 4,800 pounds of science and supplies to the International Space Station, a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft will depart the orbiting laboratory on Saturday, Jan. 13. NASA will provide live coverage of Dragon’s departure beginning at 4:30 a.m. EST.
Kwanzaa Tholus on Ceres These images show a subtle feature on dwarf planet Ceres called Kwanzaa Tholus.
Naples at Night An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photograph of the city lights of Naples and the Campania region of southern Italy.
Under the Midnight Sun In September 2017, a new iceberg calved from Pine Island Glacier—one of the main outlets where the West Antarctic Ice Sheet flows into the ocean.
From the Earth, Moon and Beyond THE OSIRIS-REx mission, which will map and return samples from asteroid Bennu, is expected to reach the asteroid in August, 2018. This composite image of the Earth and Moon is made from data captured by OSIRIS-REx’s MapCam instrument on Oct. 2, 2017, when the spacecraft was approximately 3 million
From Mercury Mark II to Project Gemini On Jan. 3, 1962, the newly announced Mercury Mark II project was renamed Project Gemini. This artist’s concept of a two-person Gemini spacecraft in flight shows a cutaway view.