This image of the ISS, as it lies backdropped against the Earth, was taken shortly after the Space Shuttle Atlantis undocked from the orbital outpost on Sept. 17, 2006, after completing six days of joint operations with the station crew. Good night
<em>Monthly</em> décembre, 2016
2016 12 31 A.M 05:49 tomorrow is 2017
An awesome photo of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft as it launched on September 8, aboard an Atlas V411 rocket. OSIRIS-REx is on a heliocentric orbit, still on its way to the asteroid Bennu and will arrive there in August 2018.
Hats off to space exploration! I wonder who will lead the first space banana colony?
RT @NASA: The wonders of Earth are in full view outside the @Space_Station windows. Take a look at this year’s top 16 photos:…
Au menu de ce soir: burger à la @Thom_astro, feuille de laitue cultivée dans l’#ISS comprise! #Proxima
Piers Sellers who died on Dec. 23 shared his hopes for future exploration in a July interview. Remembering Sellers:…
An island like no other: butterfly wings of #Guadeloupe. Even from 400 km above I am reminded of the great times I…
Une île reconnaissable entre mille: les ailes de papillon de la #Guadeloupe. De bons souvenirs me reviennent alors…
Death of a Star by our #Flickr friend Jo Tudor. #YourHubblePictures