Have a roll in the grass on
<em>Monthly</em> décembre, 2016
Not my usual nature pictures, but a pretty epic looking building! It’s hard to comprehend how big it is, because there’s not much to compare it to. This is where NASA assembles their rockets, before they’re brought 3.5 miles away to the launch pad. It’s on the top 5 or so largest buildings by volume.
The newest in hat fashion. Check this NASA space shuttle photo on the hat bill. Sure to please outer space travel enthusiasts! Link to store in profile. What images would you wear on your baseball cap bill?
Astronaut Owen Garriott participates in a EVA during the flight of Skylab 3.
Astronaut Megan McArthur{STS-125}–
Confession time: I’m obsessed with National Historic Sites and Presidential Libraries (I’ve been to 3 libraries just since August!). Another confession: that impressive Oval Office shot a few posts back…sadly, not me chatting national policy with Obama. That was at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, CA. This shot of the moon lading is