ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/16/2017 SpaceX (SpX)-12 Capture and Berthing: SpX-12 rendezvous and capture were successfully completed today at 5:54 AM CDT using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The crew monitored Dragon’s approach from the Cupola Robotic Workstation. Vestibule outfitting, vehicle ingress and critical cargo transfer began following capture. Light Microscopy Module
<em>Monthly</em> août, 2017
L’étoile Trappist-1 est-elle trop vieille pour abriter de la vie ? L’étoile Trappist-1 serait bien plus vieille que prévu : elle ne serait pas âgée de 500 millions d’années mais de 5,4 à 9,8 milliards d’années ! Cette découverte pourrait être lourde de conséquences en ce qui concerne l’habitabilité de ses sept planètes.
Space Station Flight Over the Bahamas One of the most recognizable points on the Earth for astronauts to photograph is the Bahamas. Randy Bresnik of NASA shared this Aug. 13 photo from the International Space Station, saying, « The stunning Bahamas were a real treat for us. The vivid turquoise of the water over the reef
Témoin à un mariage, Thomas Pesquet avait emporté avec lui les alliances dans l’espace L’astronaute a remis à ses amis leurs alliances pour leur mariage, lundi 14 août, « après 50 millions de kilomètres autour de la Terre ».
2017 Astronaut Candidates Available for Interviews Before Training NASA’s newest astronaut candidates, a diverse dozen women and men, will participate in media interviews and a final news conference before training on Tuesday, Aug. 22, at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/15/2017 Intracranial Pressure & Visual Impairment (IPVI): The crew took front and profile view pictures to check for facial edema, then completed a conference with ground experts. The IPVI investigation studies changes to crewmembers’ eyes and optic nerves by analyzing arterial blood pressure and blood flow to the brain before
Restore L va ravitailler un satellite en orbite, un exploit ! Ravitailler et réparer un satellite opérationnel en orbite, cela n’a encore jamais été fait. Pour démontrer cette capacité, la Nasa et le constructeur Space Systems Loral (SSL) réalisent la mission Restore L qui, en 2020, va rejoindre le satellite américain Landsat 7.
NASA Awards Contract to Extend Operations of Research, Development Center NASA has awarded a contract to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California, to extend operations of the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), also in Pasadena, through Sept. 30, 2018.
NASA Awards Contract for Infrastructure, Applications, Communications NASA has awarded the Kennedy Infrastructure, Applications and Communication (KIAC) contract to ASRC Federal Data Solutions, LLC of Beltsville, Maryland.
NASA Television to Air Launch of Next Communications Satellite NASA is targeting 8:03 a.m. EDT Friday, Aug. 18, for the launch of its next Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) mission atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The launch, and related activities that begin Thursday,