Spiraling Cloud Patterns Over Guadalupe Island On May 24, 2017, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite captured a natural-color image of long, spiraling cloud patterns, or « von Kármán vortices, » on the lee side of Guadalupe Island. The volcanic island rises from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja
<em>Monthly</em> août, 2017
La Nasa cherche un message à envoyer à la sonde Voyager 1 pour son 40e anniversaire C’est la première fois qu’un objet de fabrication humaine se trouve aussi loin de notre planète.
ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/14/2017 SpaceX (SpX)-12 Launch: SpX-12 launched successfully today from Kennedy Space Center at 11:31 am CDT. In addition to supplies and equipment for crew members, the vehicle will deliver investigations and instruments that study cosmic ray particles, protein crystal growth, stem cell-mediated recellularization and nanosatellite technology demonstration. Capture and berthing
La Nasa veut un message pour le 40e anniversaire de Voyager 1 Pour le 40e anniversaire du lancement de la sonde, la Nasa incite Terriens à envoyer une message court dans l’espace.
Dans une autre vie, Roxana Maracineanu aurait voulu être cosmonaute Si elle n’avait pas été médaille d’argent du 200 mêtres dos aux Jeux Olympiques de Sydney, Roxana Maracineanu aurait voulu être cosmonaute. Elle le raconte à Jacques Vendroux.
SpaceX CRS-12 Cargo Mission Launch The two-stage Falcon 9 launch vehicle lifts off Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kenney Space Center carrying the Dragon resupply spacecraft to the International Space Station.
NASA Signs Combined Data Services Agreement for Polar Satellite Program NASA has procured combined data support services under an agreement with the Norwegian Space Centre in Oslo, Norway, for the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program and various cooperative international missions. This action is supported under an international agreement between the United States and Norway.
NASA Cargo Launches to Space Station Aboard SpaceX Resupply Mission Experiments seeking a better understanding of Parkinson’s disease and the origin of cosmic rays are on their way to the International Space Station aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft following today’s 12:31 p.m. EDT launch.
NASA Announces Television Coverage for Aug. 21 Solar Eclipse On Monday, Aug. 21, all of North America will be treated to an eclipse of the Sun, and NASA Television will carry it live from coast to coast from unique vantage points on the ground and from aircraft and spacecraft, including the International Space Station. Coverage
Wallops Supports CREAM from Balloon to Space Station Flight NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center’s Wallops Flight Facility has played an integral role in the development of the Cosmic-Ray Energetics and Mass investigation (CREAM) instrument, which started as a balloon payload and is now heading to the International Space Station.