Actu Spatiale

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#spaceexploration – by @spasciphy on Instagram

Saturn’s rings and its moon Mimas. Mimas was discovered by William Herschel in 1789. This photo was taken by the Cassini space probe on February 17, 2015, when it was at a distance of approximately 2.5 million km from Mimas.
Mimas is a moon of Saturn that has an average orbital speed of 15km/s. You probably know Mimas because it’s the space object that really looks like the death star from Star Wars. It weighs approximately 3.75 × 10^19 kg and its diameter measures 396km. Also interesting to know is that it’s the smallest known space object that’s rounded in shape because of self-gravitation. Enjoy your weekend everyone! © NASA | JPL | SSI [[]]