Happy New Year 2077 From Mars
<em>Monthly</em> décembre, 2016
A space launch Saturday for you! Here is a look back at the Space Shuttle Atlantis lifting off from Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39 in April 2002…..
Closing in on #Paris, not zoomed in enough, but spreading from Orly to Roissy airports, the city of light is aptly… https://t.co/bjJ66QVAzF
Since he was little, space has been his love!!!
宙を飛ぶ(高度約400km 速度約28000km/h) EOS 7D2 100-400 x2ISO2000 1/1000 F11.0 MF(2017/01/01 05:34) #
Thomas Pesquet : un réveillon en apesanteur Le spationaute français s’apprête à passer la nouvelle année 400 kilomètres au-dessus de nos têtes.
D’Orly à Roissy: la Ville Lumière n’a pas volé son nom! Il me faudra encore zoomer pour obtenir un cliché parfait d… https://t.co/MOJXdjmKI1
Wishing everyone on Earth a Happy New Year from 250 miles above our planet! https://t.co/wMgTLEe4dh
These are all you. I have an account because of all of your likes. Thank you so much for following me and liking my posts this year. It has truly been an honor to bring us all closer to the stars and acquaint you all with those intrepid men and women who slip the surly