So here we are. We have made it. 2016 is finally over. This wild and crazy year has come to an end. Many say that this year has been absolutely horrible, which I can agree with to a certain extent. So many beloved stars, too many to count, left us far too soon. One of
<em>Monthly</em> décembre, 2016
What can I say. It was such a f****** awesome night. Thank you @liquicity. Thank you @amsterdam. Thank you @madukdnb,, @etherwooduk, @fredvgrafix, @favamc and all the others for putting on an amazing show! See you all soon
La dernière révérence du soleil sur 2016. Magique et tellement normal à la fois ! Du ventre de la terre va surgir une année nouvelle, puisse-t-elle être la plus paisible possible pour tous !Bonne fin d’année à tous
After seven months of coasting through
Heading out for a New Year eve soirée? You’ve just got time for our fabulous 2016 Top 10 playlist in @SoundCloud…
Linking people with spacecraft travelling to the frontiers of human knowledge. Happy New Year & best wishes for 201…
\ »The crash of the Soyuz 1. After a mission of 1 day, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 52 seconds, the capsule of the Soyuz 1 smashed into the ground with a speed of 40 meter/second. The crew, Vladimir Komarov, had no change to survive•••